RIC Students at Orientation

For Immediate or Imminent Concerns

如果一个人的行为明显或迫在眉睫的鲁莽, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening to self or others, please call 911 or Campus Safety. 对于正在经历精神健康紧急情况或危及生命的情况的人, call 911, 校园安全中心或者去当地的急诊室.

What is the CARE Team?

CARE团队是一种前瞻性和合作性的早期识别方法, review, 和管理学生的关心,需要支持. 该团队应对涉及有风险学生的非紧急情况,并努力将他们与校园内外的基本支持服务联系起来.


Complete the CARE Team Referral Form

Our Mission

CARE团队作为校园社区的资源,为教职员工提供关于如何寻求帮助和推荐需要支持的学生的指导. In addition, 该团队试图创建一个网络,在这个网络中,校园社区可以对涉及学生的情况做出反应,并努力将他们与校园内外的基本支持服务联系起来. 


Frequently Asked Questions

CARE团队专注于解决非紧急行为, mental health, 课堂内外的健康和/或社会问题. 你的关注点是否应该包括这些领域中的一个 CARE Team referral is appropriate.  
如果你的担忧是学术性的, submitting a flag in Starfish would be more appropriate.
如果学生披露了性骚扰或歧视,向校方提交一份文件 incident report 与机构公平办公室合作将更为合适.


当你对自己的安全有直接的担忧时, a student, 或esball官方网社区的其他成员, 请联络校园警察(办公时间内/下班时间): 401-456-8888 or call 911.

当您想与咨询服务提供商就学生关注的问题进行直接电话咨询, 请联系咨询服务(周一至周五), 8:30 am–4:30 pm) at 401-456-8094.

The CARE Team has a CARE Team Referral Form 这允许您表达对审查的关注.


  • your name, department, contact number
  • student name, contact number
  • specific nature of your concern

Once a referral is received, CARE团队的一名成员将与学生接触,并以一种敏感的方式开始干预过程.

It is important to keep in mind a few things:

  • 我们有不同的校园代表在关怀小组协助外展.
  • 作为CARE团队的一部分讨论的项目受家庭教育隐私法(FERPA)的保护。, and, as such, we are limited regarding what we can discuss.
  • 每个案件都有不同的解决时间表.

Therefore, 你很可能不会收到后续的回复, 但请知道你的推荐已经被认真对待并做出了回应.

If your concern is more urgent, please do not complete a CARE Team form. 在正常营业时间内阅读和回复推荐.  When in doubt, please contact Campus Police at 401-456-8888 他们会立即联系最合适的人.

咨询中心总是一个很好的资源. They are in Browne Hall and can be reached at 401-456-8055 or counselingcenter@yinghuiqibao.com.
在非工作时间,RIC希望热线是一个24小时心理健康支持服务. The number is 401-456-HOPE (4673).
帮助解决食物和住房问题, peer mentorship, connections to outside resources etc., Learning 4 Life is a great overall resource for students. They can be reached at 401-456-6320 or l4linfo@yinghuiqibao.com.
And as always, 学生办公室院长很乐意帮助学生解决一些更复杂的问题. We can be reached at 401-456-8061 or deanofstudents@yinghuiqibao.com.

Team Members

  • Dean of Students Office
  • Learning 4 Life
  • Disability Services Center
  • Institutional Equity/Title IX
  • Residential Life and Housing
  • 卫生和保健中心(卫生服务), Counseling Services, Health Promotion, Learning 4 Life, Food 4 Thought Pantry & Lounge)*
  • Campus Safety
  • Office of Advising
  • Legal Counsel (as needed)

* Additionally, CARE团队可以邀请在讨论主题方面具有专业知识的教师合作伙伴.
*该团队每两周召开一次会议(或根据需要)进行咨询, review, 并为需要帮助的学生协调外展活动.

Rhode Island College entrance

General Questions?

Dean of Students Office


Ted Zito

Ted Zito

Assistant Vice President

Student Success and Dean of Students

Pegah Rahmanian

Associate Dean of Students